Surprise your Easter brunch guests with a Fluffy Bunny Butt Cake! This delightful bunny butt cake features yellow cake, JELL-O White Chocolate Flavor Instant...
Please plenty of people with Cracked Pepper-Parmesan Crisps! Saying that 10 times fast might be hard, but these parmesan crisps are easy to bake and fun...
Celebrate Hanukkah with these delicious Hanukkah Sugar Cookies. A rich butter and cream cheese cookie dough is rolled out, cut into holiday shapes, sprinkled...
Discover a simple way to enjoy smoked salmon with this savory Smoked Salmon Toast recipe. You can garnish this Smoked Salmon Toast with dill springs and...
Red skin mashed potatoes with roasted garlic and cream cheese are a classic holiday side dish and a staple for great family meals! The smooth, rich potatoes...
My apple cider cranberry sauce is the perfect blend of spiced apples, sweet sparkling apple cider, and tangy cranberries for Thanksgiving! It's an easy-to-make...
This delectable fudge is rich and silky-and only requires 10 minutes of hands-on prep work! It's fantastic with crushed candy canes (as shown), as well...
If you're bored with typical sugar cookies, try this melt-in-your-mouth version, which is punched up with ground cardamom and then transformed into cheery,...
The Slow-Cooker Cranberry Meatballs Recipe is a quick easy recipe from with a traditional cranberry flavor to satisfy your holiday cravings....
These festive Fruitcake Shortbread Cookies are loaded with a delicious fruitcake blend in tender, buttery shortbread cookies! They are absolutely delicious...
Elevate your baking game with these Heart-Shaped Valentine Brownies. Flavored with chocolate, cream cheese and raspberry preserves, these valentine brownies...
Try one of our healthy holiday cookie recipes at Woman's Day. Our collection includes traditional and modern cookie recipes with complete list of ingredients,...
Creative cookie dessert recipes are sure to excite any lover. quick and easy cookie recipes make sure you spend more time loving than cooking....
If you want to make a quick party favor then check out's dessert recipes and learn how to make the Butter Mint Pillows Recipe.
Black and white checkerboard cookies can be complicated to make. But not this pared-down version, which retains all the delicacy of the classic German...
This easy low-sugar cranberry sauce is sweetened with apples and a small amount of raw sugar. A cranberry sauce you can feel good about that everyone will...
Relish the taste of Italian baking with these golden little cookies that are a favorite for special occasions-slightly crisp on the outside, decked in...
You'll want firm but ripe apples that are sweet, such as Empire or Gala. With the cinnamon in this homey cake, they'll hit the spot. Take a few minutes...
In this smart recipe, Grace Parisi boils orange peels in water, simmers them in sugar syrup, and coats them in sugar. Then she tosses them with pistachios...
Couscous is the national dish of Libya. It is a famous dish in the Maghreb and North Africa, and the method of preparing it differs from one country to...
Our Thanksgiving desserts are sure to impress your guests at Thanksgiving dinner. Pie recipes at Woman's Day are easy and delicious. Our collection includes...
Patriotic punch is a fun kid friendly red white and blue layered drink for Memorial Day & July 4th! You can also have this red white and blue drink with...
Discover a simple way to enjoy smoked salmon with this savory Smoked Salmon Toast recipe. You can garnish this Smoked Salmon Toast with dill springs and...
Please plenty of people with Cracked Pepper-Parmesan Crisps! Saying that 10 times fast might be hard, but these parmesan crisps are easy to bake and fun...
Celebrate Hanukkah with these delicious Hanukkah Sugar Cookies. A rich butter and cream cheese cookie dough is rolled out, cut into holiday shapes, sprinkled...
The Holiday season is here, and chestnuts, known as Kastana in Greek, are finally available in the supermarkets. Hooray!! Roasting chestnuts at home in...